
Evergreen Supporting the Cryochamber

In a clear indication that Evergreen members are making a genuine difference to football operations at Home Park, the Argyle Sports Science team have extended the lease of a state-of-the-art Cryochamber facility. 

While not much fun for the players who shiver their way to improved muscle recovery, this superb piece of technology could be pivotal at a time in the season when squad fitness is stretched to the limit.  

The additional funds provided by Evergreen is already having a significant impact on the first team and we thank all members for their incredible support so far. 

Argyle Director of Football Neil Dewsnip explained: “The cryochamber helps our players’ recovery by placing them in a freezing cold environment. After a game at Home Park, the lads will take their turn in the chamber, which is not much fun, but the benefits are fantastic. 

“The idea is to help the muscles recover as quickly as possible, which is so important in modern football. Sports science is massive in our football environment and any kind of gain we can get, we are open-minded. 

“Not only do we play a lot of games, particularly at this time of year, but they are also played at an incredible tempo and ferocity. Football is physically demanding and the cryochamber is helping our players to be ready for the next challenge.” 

Argyle’s Head of Fitness and Conditioning, Elliot Turner, added: “The cryochamber helps with our recovery after games and training.  

“We have seen a reduction in muscle soreness scores - so players are less sore after training and games - on our daily wellness reviews and also a significant improvement in players’ sleep, which is a huge element of recovery.  

“From last season, when we’ve had the 'cryo', we have seen an increase in game data in terms of better running performance and with the recovery. Coinciding with the hectic game schedule, we’ve been able to recover quicker and still keep producing good running data in games.  

“They aren’t normally accessible unless you’re a top Premier League club and can afford to have your own installed.” 

As an Evergreen member, you can choose from three options to direct your funds: First-Team Operations, Academy and Sports Science. The scheme allows members to direct all of their funds to one department or to split their investment. For example, you could choose 40% First-Team, 30% Academy, 30% Sports Science...the choice is yours. 

View all the Evergreen packages here and you can sign up online. For more information, please contact the Evergreen team on or 01752 302208, or pop into the Evergreen Suite, next to the Home Park Superstore.  

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