Home Park Stadium

Club Statement | Stadium Concessions Update


We apologise for the technical issues experienced throughout Home Park ahead of, and during, today's match against Huddersfield Town.

Unfortunately, we experienced a problem with our EPOS system which was at the providers end. This was completely out of our control and enormously frustrating given the work that had gone in to testing our systems, making sure service times were quicker, training staff and implementing further new procedures to improve the matchday experience.

Following attempts to rectify the issue and once it was clear this wasn't going to be immediately possible, we made the decision at 2:30pm to ensure supporters were least impacted. This involved providing items free of charge to those affected as we aimed to ensure supporters matchday experience was not impacted too heavily.

We understand this was incredibly frustrating for fans but it was equally frustrating for us as we could not provide the experience that we pride ourselves on. 

For the avoidance of doubt, these issues would have been completely unavoidable even if we had not made the decision to become a cashless stadium across kiosks and hospitality.

Following the match, we will now regroup and review the issues experienced with the relevant stakeholders to ensure we understand these and ensure tests are carried out by them before Tuesday.

We are extremely grateful to the Green Army who were patient with staff dealing with the issues and hope your return to Home Park was not impacted too much.

We look forward to seeing you loud and proud on Tuesday night. 
