Argyle women huddle

Argyle Women come under Evergreen umbrella

Evergreen is changing and we are extremely proud to announce that our members will now provide direct funding support to the Argyle Women’s team. 

The Girls in Green performed superbly in the third tier of English football last season, comfortably securing another campaign at their current level, and all achieved with an incredibly young team. 

From July 2024, Argyle Women will be supported by Evergreen through our new #PastPresentFuture commitment, which means our members are helping to ‘Be the Difference’ to the past through Forever Green, the present through the Argyle first team (men and women) and the future through the Argyle Academy. 

Current members can update their preferences here, so you decide how your Evergreen money is spent. You can allocate all 100% to the Past, Present or Future, or split your investment in any denomination desired. For example, 30% Past, 30% Present, 40% Future.  

If we don’t hear from you, preferences will be automatically updated to cover an even spread of endorsement: 33.3% Argyle Past, 33.3% Argyle Present, 33.3% Argyle Future. 

Argyle Women were named Premier Division Community Club of the Year at the FA Women’s National League awards in May, having played a crucial part in the football club’s continued community work across Plymouth, Devon, and Cornwall, in tandem with the Argyle Community Trust.  

Argyle Women’s players and staff supported numerous provisions throughout the season, such as the Green Army 5k Fun Run and the Derriford Hospital Christmas visit. 

The whole Argyle Women set-up has made a tremendous contribution to our football club and our community, opening genuine pathways for young girls to realise their footballing dreams.  

Evergreen is very proud to now be a part of that journey.     

You can sign up online to join Evergreen or contact us on 01752 302208 /, or just pop into the Evergreen Suite next to the Home Park Superstore. 

Full details on Evergreen can be found on, including the full list of superb benefits offered to members and how Evergreen is directly supporting football operations at Argyle.