Argyle Under-18s Assist Plymouth Soup Run
Last week, Argyle’s Under-18s helped play in their part in aiding and delivering the daily Plymouth Soup Run.
Plymouth Soup Run is a service that provides food and drink to homeless and vulnerable people across the city on a daily basis. It relies on donations, volunteers and a huge amount of goodwill to be able to assist those in need throughout the year.
Several Plymouth businesses and institutions help provide support and organisation for each day’s run, with our Under-18s taking on the task of preparing food bags and handing out the goods to those in need on a cold night, Tuesday, 11 March.
We want to say a big thank you to our generous partners for helping assist our efforts. Project35, in partnership with Ginsters, donated pasties, warmed before transportation, with Tamar Fresh also donating sandwiches, which were included in the food bags the squad prepared at Shekinah.
Under-18s captain Joel Sullivan said: “ We helped pack up the bags of all the food that myself and a few of the lads picked up in the days before the evening and then went out to deliver them to the homeless.
“Argyle is a very community-centred club and does great things, especially with the Community Trust as well, and this is a perfect opportunity to give back. Working alongside Hilary Knight, and all the people involved with the Soup Run, is just a great feeling.”
Head of Player Care for the Argyle Academy, Mackenzie Brown, said: “We were privileged to help support the Soup Run again after last year's really positive experience. First and foremost, supporting Hilary and everything the Soup Run provides is really important, and it's incredibly eye-opening to see the amount of people in need of the support. It is also hugely beneficial for the personal development of our young players.
“From organising and collecting the donations, to preparing and delivering the food to over 70 people and then interacting with the public throughout the night, it took the boys out of their comfort zones, and they were exceptional.
“Throughout the season the boys support Project 35 by going into Primary schools and taking part in assemblies, so for them to see the different parts of the process is brilliant and we have more plans to enhance this further in the future."
Argyle’s next home game, against Norwich City on 5 April, is a designated Project 35 fixture. More details will be found on in the coming days.