President's Progess 23/08

ARGYLE president Chris Webb gives an important update on the formation of the Plymouth Argyle Supporters' Board

Dear Supporters

Following discussions with the Electoral Reform Services, we have been able to move forward significantly with the planning for the Plymouth Argyle Supporters Board Elections.

Candidate details and election statements have been sent across to the ERS and we are in the process of supplying the membership (voting) database as well.

Following the receipt of this information, the ERS will be looking to set a formal timetable for election.

Initial indications are that the voting period (via post) will open in early September and close at the end of the same month.

As soon as the timetable is in place next week we will communicate the details to supporters as a matter of urgency.

One of the PASB candidates, Mark Edwards, has withdrawn from the election due to the fact that he wants to stand for the PASB via the supporters’ group section.

This now leaves us with an election between nine Argyle fans for six PASB positions.

I would like to thank supporters and candidates for their patience during what has without a doubt been a drawn out process.

I am sure that once the elections are underway everyone will recognise the benefits of going to a completely independent organisation.


Chris Webb
Club President